A computer network is made of two distinct subsets of components - distributed applications are programs running on interconnected computers; a web server, a remote login server, an e-mail exchanger are examples. This is the visible part of what people call “the Internet”.
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The Protection of Information in Computer Systems
This tutorial paper explores the mechanics of protecting computer-stored information from unauthorized use or modification. It concentrates on those architectural structures--whether hardware or software--that are necessary to support information protection. The paper develops in three main sections. Section I describes desired functions, design principles, and examples of elementary protection and authentication mechanisms
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Numerical Recipes in C
A very large class of important computational problems falls under the general rubric of "Fourier transform methods" or "spectral methods". For some of these problems ,the Fourier transforms is simply an efficient computational tool for accomplishing certain common manipulations of data
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Little Black Book of Computer Viruses
The Little Black Book of Computer Viruses has seen five good years in print. In those five years it has opened a door to seriously ask the question whether it is better to make technical information about computer viruses known or not.
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Build Your Own PC
Our goal here is to learn how to build a computer .To get started,we'll first ensure that you have all the needed computer parts,and tools,we'll start the adventure with some initial decisions that will need to be made.Next, you will purchase the components that you will need and gather your tools together
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Academic Careers for Experimental Computer Scientists and Engineers
ECSE is strongly coupled to technology, the availability of a given technology may well determine the feasibility of a good and innovative idea. The use of cutting-edge technology for a project subjects it to hazards such as instability, errors, and delays, whereas the use of a stable, mature technology carries the risk of obsolescence before the project is finished.